Segmentation and Targeting

Pretectum CMDM provides powerful capabilities in support of segmentation and targeting that can significantly enhance marketing efforts.

Segmentation Capabilities

Pretectum CMDM enables advanced customer segmentation through several key features:

360-Degree Customer Views: The system aggregates customer data from multiple integrated sources to create comprehensive unique customer profiles. This unified view allows any part of the business, but particularly marketing professionals to segment customers based on a wide range of attributes and behaviors.

Data Enrichment: Pretectum CMDM enhances customer profiles through data enrichment and cleansing capabilities. This ensures teams have high-quality, accurate data to use for activities like dataset segmentation.

Advanced Segmentation Tools: The platform empowers marketers to create sophisticated segments based on various criteria such as:

  • Demographics (age, gender, location, etc.)
  • Psychographics (interests, values, lifestyle)
  • Behavioral data markers (purchase history markers, website interaction markers, etc.)
  • Customer value metrics

Dynamic Segmentation: Segments can be updated automatically as new data comes in, ensuring they remain relevant and accurate over time.

Targeting Capabilities

Once segments are created, Pretectum CMDM supports effective targeting:

Personalization at Scale: The system provides the infrastructure for personalized marketing automation across channels through integration. This allows for tailored messaging in your MDP’s and offers for specific to each segment.

Cross-Channel Campaign Orchestration: Pretectum CMDM ensures consistency in customer data across platforms, enabling coordinated targeting efforts across multiple channels.

Automated Targeting: The platform can automatically attribute customers to the most relevant segments and campaigns based on the analysis of their profile data and behavior markers.

Testing and Optimization: Teams can easily test different targeting approaches for each segment and analyze results to refine their strategies according to their needs and preferences.

Real-Time Activation: Segments can be instantly activated for use in marketing campaigns, allowing for timely and relevant targeting.

By providing support for advanced segmentation and targeting capabilities, Pretectum CMDM empowers teans to create more precise, personalized, and effective marketing campaigns. This leads to improved customer engagement, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, better ROI on marketing efforts.